Thursday, September 28, 2006

this is like... asking for a celeron and getting a core 2 extreme...

For those Computer Science students who haven't checked this out... Let's just say you're missing out.

Hello, legal copy of Windows. I don't believe we've met?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

second life

It is now possible to join Second Life without a credit card, so that is what I did recently.

My Satyr.

My first interaction happened to be with the SCP (the Second Life Police) while they were interrogating a girl named Aferdita:

[21:54] Billyjack Zuhal: Leave now Ridado.
[21:54] Momma Berjis: Hello Ridadao
[21:55] Momma Berjis: Ridado we told you to leave and you didn't
[21:55] Momma Berjis: You are interfering with SCP affairs.

Just because I didn't leave when they were interrogating this girl made them put a tube of metal around my guy and so that I couldn't escape. So I tried to run around inside the chamber, looking for a way out.

[21:56] Momma Berjis: Ridado plz calm yourself you are in a cleansing chamber.
[21:56] Me: I feel cleansed!
[21:56] Me: SAVE ME! SAVE ME~
[21:56] Momma Berjis: If you remain still you will be let out automatically.

Why would I stay still? I was stuck in a chamber for God's sake!

[21:56] Me: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[21:56] Momma Berjis: Aferdita you may go
[21:56] Momma Berjis: Ridado is the problem.
[21:57] Me: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:57] Billyjack Zuhal: Ridado
[21:57] Billyjack Zuhal: Please, remain quiet or we will remove your ability to talk.
[21:57] Me: LMAO
[21:57] Momma Berjis: Okay thats it.
[21:58] Me: lol
[21:58] Momma Berjis: tsk tsk tsk
[21:58] Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:58] Momma Berjis: I am sending a report to SCP HQ.
[21:58] Momma Berjis: HMMM they are busy.
[21:58] Momma Berjis: I'm going to try Linden Affairs.
[21:58] Me: Who are you guys, anyway?
[21:58] Billyjack Zuhal: SCP
[21:58] Me: Who's that?
[21:58] Momma Berjis: Second Life Police
[21:58] Me: Ah.
[21:59] Momma Berjis: okay I sent a report in for a Mr.Ridado Serapis
[21:59] Me: For moving around in a chamber mathingy?
[22:00] Momma Berjis: No
[22:00] Me: I have no clue what's going on.
[22:00] Billyjack Zuhal: We asked you to leave becuase you were interfering with SCP affairs. You refused to and therefore you are now being contained.
[22:00] Me: I did? You did?
[22:00] Billyjack Zuhal: Yes, we did.

By now, I had found a way to break out of the metal chamber. Apparently I had already broken three different rules in the Second Life universe.

[22:00] Momma Berjis: 1.Violation of SCP affairs
[22:00] Me: I wasn't even paying attention
[22:00] Momma Berjis: 2.Leaving without permission
[22:00] You: I thought you guys let me out
[22:00] You: What if I had just flown away?
[22:00] Momma Berjis: 3.Unsuitable behaivor
[22:00] Me: Oh
[22:00] Me: How I'd do that
[22:00] Momma Berjis: If you read the Terms and Agreemetns you would have seen under section 3 all that I just said
[22:01] Me: Ah.
[22:01] Me: Mmkay.
[22:01] Billyjack Zuhal: We would have decativated your account immedietly.
[22:01] Me: For what?
[22:01] Billyjack Zuhal: Running away from us.
[22:01] Me: Ah... lol... I didn't even know
[22:01] Billyjack Zuhal: Ridado, I don't see you as registering a credit card with us, why?
[22:02] Me: I'm finding this hilarious, even if this is serious
[22:02] Billyjack Zuhal: This is serious.
[22:02] Momma Berjis: That is too bad.
[22:02] Me: Because I don't have a credit card
[22:02] Billyjack Zuhal: It is ok, I was just curious.
[22:02] Billyjack Zuhal: Ridado, we sent in a report of you to Linden Affairs.


[22:02] Me: So... You guys like music?
[22:02] Billyjack Zuhal: Do not try and seduce us.
[22:02] Me: Ah. Cool.
[22:03] Momma Berjis: It should take about 3 mins to process.
[22:03] Me: I see.


[22:03] Me: ... What am I being reported for again?
[22:03] Billyjack Zuhal: Excuse me.
[22:03] Billyjack Zuhal: I have to deal with something, Colonel Berjis, hold him.
[22:04] Me: Yes. Don't let me go. That would be most serious.

By this time I had escaped around 5 times, after which I would then calmly sit in front of them, and allow them to put me back in the jail thingy so that I could break out again.

[22:10] Me: So...
[22:10] Me: What's up, guys?
[22:10] Me: Am I allowed to leave?
[22:10] Me: Or should I just wait
[22:11] Me: Or have people forgotten about me?
[22:11] Me: Cuz that would make me sad.
[22:11] Me: *sips pop*
[22:11] Billyjack Zuhal: Ridado.
[22:12] Me: Billyjack.
[22:12] Billyjack Zuhal: If you are talking, we can not hear you because we have taken away your ability to speak.
[22:12] Billyjack Zuhal: Only you can see it.
[22:12] Billyjack Zuhal: Ridado
[22:12] Billyjack Zuhal: Stop trying to escape.
[22:12] Billyjack Zuhal: You will not receive your ability to talk.
[22:13] Billyjack Zuhal: Stop trying to escape.
[22:13] Billyjack Zuhal: It just makes things worse.
(I broke out again around here)
[22:14] You: SORRY
[22:15] Billyjack Zuhal: ...

At this point, I was laughing my ass off. Their little jail wasn't very effective. However, something told me that I should not break out again if I wanted to keep my account. So I tried to keep calm. And then I found out that I could wear pieces of furniture the same way I could wear clothing... So I dressed up as the Green Giant and attached furniture to my body. I think it was attaching a cabin to my elbow that made them go over the edge.

See that bit of green in the middle? That's me.

Keep in mind that these people are moderators.

[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: ridado
[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: you cunt fuck
[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: you are such a dumbass
[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: you dont understand shit
[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: you must be like 10 or some shit
[22:16] Billyjack Zuhal: we say cooperate and your like OOO NOOO WTF LOL I CANT IM GREEN OMFG

Then Billyjack let me out of the jail and flew away. So I was left there with Momma Berjis, dressed as the Green Giant, with random household furniture attached to my body.

I looked at him. I wondered if Billyjack had also given back my ability to speak.

[22:17] You: Okay.
[22:17] You: Can you hear me?
[22:17] Momma Berjis: maybe
[22:18] You: Cool.
[22:18] You: I'm a house.
[22:18] Momma Berjis: ur a fag

And then Momma flew away as well.

Needless to say, I reported both of those moderators. They hurt my feelings.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Afterwards, I realized I couldn't delete the aliases.

take back what you said about us being violent or we shall DESTROY YOU

On September 12, 2006, in a lecture on "Faith, Reason and the University", Pope Benedict quoted the opinion of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

In response, angered Islamic communities have responded by violence, attacking two Catholic churches, one Anglican church, and two Greek Orthodox churches in the West Bank and Gaza with "guns, firebombs and lighter fluid, leaving church doors charred and walls scorched by flames and pocked with bullet holes."

"Ha," say the Muslims. "We sure proved him wrong."

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

steam, circuits, and music

Steam-powered "Steampunk" robot by I-Wei Huang... Imagine this thing 1000 times larger, coming through the hills as they do in animes.

Also, check out this story on an artificial intelligence that creates complex and pleasing pieces of music.

Friday, September 01, 2006

sunday bloody sunday by George Bush

By "Dunno!"

He's actually pretty good.